- EVENT: November 2, 2024 Book Launch Party for Sparrow Spreads Her Wings
A celebration of the publication of Sparrow Spreads Her Wings.
- EVENT: October 12, 2024 Kids Lit Book Fair at the Maine Lit Fest
An opportunity to celebrate the diversity of children’s, middle grade, and young adult books coming out of Maine and New England.
- EVENT: September 22, 2024 Reading Rumpus
A reader’s theater performance of Sparrow Being Sparrow.
- The Real Scoop
A confession about a “true-ish” fun fact.
- Kids and the Postal Mail
Stamps, mailboxes, and other mysteries.
- Finchosaurus wins a Moonbeam!
- Writing by Fridge Light
Sometimes you have an idea in the middle of the night. But no pajamas.
- The Boy on the Bookmobile
What if the only choice was between not being a writer, and writing a book that only one kid would read?
- Best day job for a writer?
The interlibrary loan department connects 10,000 different collections to allow a massive reach through time and place.
- Sorry I scavenged through your garbage, kid.
Finding treasure in unexpected places.